Can goldfish and guppies mate

Thereafter they are also able to breed. The only problem is, that guppy fry will not survive in a tank where a big goldfish is present. Guppy fry are around 0.25 inches (6 mm) when they are born. For a goldfish, guppy fry will be a good snack. Nov 15, 2021 (source)
Keeping at least two goldfish in an aquarium is recommended to provide companionship and promote activity. Solitary fish can exhibit depression and lethargy. Goldfish are generally not aggressive so they can be kept with most community fish provided the other fish are larger than the size of the goldfish’s mouth. May 1, 2019 (source)
Yes, guppies and mollies can live together, and they actually work well together. However, if the right requirements aren’t met, then some aggression may occur (from the mollies.) And there is always a slight risk that mollies will nip fish that have long fins such as guppies. (source)
Although it’s not possible for a female guppy to get pregnant without a male, it can appear that she did. Research has shown that a female guppy can hold a male guppy’s sperm for 10 months or possibly longer. This may give the appearance that a female guppy is pregnant without being in the presence of a male. Apr 25, 2022 (source)
After giving birth, female guppies hunt for means to recover their lost energy and fat storage. Eating their weak babies becomes a source of healthy fat for them. (source)
While betta fish and goldfish can technically live together in the same tank, it must be noted that this can come with great difficulty and health risks to both fish. As such, we recommend that betta fish live with goldfish as a last resort if an emergency arises in one of their separate tanks. Dec 2, 2021 (source)