Can guppies get pregnant on their own

A unique feature among female guppies is their remarkable ability to give birth to several broods consecutively without male insemination occurring each time. This is possible because of special folds in the female’s genital area that store sperm until it is later needed for fertilization. (source)
Guppies sometimes give birth only to females if the tank has too many fish. How this happens is still a mystery. The birth control is perfect if male guppies are not around for breeding. Guppies are live bearers. Jan 23, 1999 (source)
Here’s some good news: having more sexual partners makes females more fertile. A recent study on Trinidadian guppies has shown that females who mate with multiple males produce more grand-offspring than females who have mated with only a single partner. Oct 21, 2012 (source)
To dispel misinformation and myths once and for all, guppies cannot change sex and are not hermaphrodites. Females need males to fertilize their eggs and produce offspring, but they will also store the males’ sperm several months for when males are not available. Jan 20, 2022 (source)
21–30 days Guppy. Guppies are highly prolific livebearers giving birth to between five and 30 fry, though under extreme circumstances, she may give birth to only one or two or over 100. The gestation period of a guppy is typically 21–30 days, but can vary considerably. (source)
Guppy mating takes less than a second, and it looks just like he is stinging her at her vent where her gravid spot is located. This is the dark spot just behind the female’s abdomen. Although the breeding is extremely quick, numerous breedings will take place to ensure the female has been fertilized. (source)
Guppies do not lay eggs. They’re livebearing fish which means the eggs remain in their body until the fry are old enough. Once they’re old enough, the female gives birth to her fry. However, just because they don’t lay eggs, it doesn’t mean that eggs aren’t present. (source)
Although it’s not possible for a female guppy to get pregnant without a male, it can appear that she did. Research has shown that a female guppy can hold a male guppy’s sperm for 10 months or possibly longer. Apr 25, 2022 (source)
Male guppies produce higher quality sperm when courting their sisters, which may hinder females’ efforts to reduce inbreeding, according to new research. May 7, 2014 (source)
When they’re born, all guppy fry look the same regardless of gender. There’s simply no way of telling which is male and which is female. As they continue to grow, differences start to appear. These differences are subtle in the beginning, but as growth rate accelerates, they become more and more noticeable. May 23, 2019 (source)
Baby guppies are in danger as soon as their born, so it’s important to keep them safe. Keep them separated from the adult guppies, or at least give them hiding spots in the tank to avoid being eaten. Feed them often, keep them in warm water, and give them live food to allow them to grow quickly. (source)
Delivery Time. It is recommended that a pregnant guppy be removed from the community tank, or isolated in a part of it, in order to give birth to her fry. (source)
Guppies don’t give birth to all their babies at once. That’s because they don’t lay eggs like other fish. So, they have to give birth to one fry at a time. That is why they need more time for breeding than other fish. (source)