Will guppies hurt goldfish?
They are peaceful fish, but they just really love to eat! If it fits in a goldfish’s mouth, it’s up for grabs. If your goldfish are still young, then they are likely too small to eat adult guppies. However, most goldfish are not too small to eat guppy fry. May 25, 2022 (source)
What fish can go with guppy fish?
Perfect tank mates for guppies include swordtails, mollies, platies, Cory catfish, and few others I mentioned in this article. With some fish like Bettas and Angelfish, you must take various precautions if you’re planning on keeping them together to avoid fights and injuries. Feb 23, 2022 (source)
Why did my goldfish eat my guppy?
Because of the size difference it is very likely that goldfish will eat guppies. Goldfish tend to eat anything that fits in their mouth. Guppies, especially fry or male guppies, do not grow very large. Because of these fact, it is only obvious that goldfish will eat guppies. (source)
Will guppies nip goldfish?
There is a serious risk of fin nipping which could cause one or both fish to get stressed or injured. Once your goldfish grows big enough to fit your guppies in its mouth, it may try to eat them. Nov 3, 2021 (source)
Can a guppy live with a Betta?
Can guppy fish and betta fish live in the same aquarium? Yes! However, since betta fish is semi-aggressive, it is important to take a few precautions in order to protect the guppies. Oct 26, 2021 (source)
What fish can you not keep with guppies?
Males are smaller and display fins in a varied range of colors and patterns. Females are less impressive. The simple fact that Guppy fish are good community fish doesn’t mean they can be housed with any other fish. Large predatory fish, fish that nip fins, and aggressive fish are bad companions for guppies. (source)
What can goldfish live with?
With these ground rules in mind, here are our top 10 tank mates that we have personally tested and found to be compatible with goldfish: Hillstream Loach. … Brochis multiradiatus. … Dojo Loach. … Bristlenose Pleco. … Rubbernose Pleco. … White Cloud Mountain Minnows. … Ricefish. … Hoplo Catfish. More items… (source)