Can guppies live with mollies

Guppy and Molly Fry Care Guppies as well mollies give birth to live fry every 30 days. Unfortunately both species eat their fry, so it is pretty difficult to protect the guppy and molly babies in their parent’s aquarium. (source)
Mollies are semi aggressive fish, and they will most likely not attack guppies. They might do it, but under some circumstances like defending their pair or their fry, other than that, they are peaceful. To conclude, for those who want to walk slowly into aquarium secrets, molly fish is the most appropriate. (source)
Some species that make good Molly fish tank mates are Dwarf Cichlids, Rams, Discus, Keyhole Cichlids, and Severums. They need at least a 20-gallon tank for the smaller species and up to 55 gallons for the species that can grow 8 inches or more! Feb 3, 2022 (source)
Basically, when we’re talking guppies and mollies, we’re talking about the same general kind of fish. (And yes, they can get it on and make little … gullies?) The only difference is that most mollies grow to be at least twice as large as most guppies, and mollies produce slightly fewer young. (source)
Yes, Betta fish can live with Mollies. Mollies make excellent tank mates for Betta fish. Both species of fish want to live in similar water parameters and both Bettas and Mollies want to eat the same type of foods. (source)
Males are smaller and display fins in a varied range of colors and patterns. Females are less impressive. The simple fact that Guppy fish are good community fish doesn’t mean they can be housed with any other fish. Large predatory fish, fish that nip fins, and aggressive fish are bad companions for guppies. (source)
You can put three mollies in a 10-gallon tank. As a general rule, an inch of fish requires one gallon of water. In captivity, mollies usually grow to be 3–4.5 inches long, so each fish will need around three gallons of water to swim freely. (source)
Why are my mollies fighting? The reason mollies are fighting and chasing each other around the tank is all down to mating behavior. The fighting you are seeing is males either chasing females or sparing with other males. Having the male to female ratio correct will help solve the problem. (source)
Male guppies mature in 7 weeks or less. Total lifespan of guppies in the wild varies greatly, but it is typically around 2 years. (source)
A 5 gallon tank can easily handle a group of about 5 male mollies. (source)
At least three or four mollies should be kept together. Mollies are shoaling fish, which means they’re more comfortable living with fish of the same species. While you should keep several mollies together, be sure not to overcrowd the tank. (source)
Generally, you should keep guppies in groups. And ideally, you should keep at least a trio of guppies in at least a 5-gallon fish tank. You can keep more than a trio of guppies but then you will also need to increase the tank size of your fish tank according to the number of fish you are going to keep in the tank. Oct 16, 2021 (source)
Molly babies get no protection from their parents. The tiny fish are just as likely to be eaten by their own mother as they are by other fish in the aquarium, so to survive they’re going to need a little help. Gather the babies. Apr 24, 2017 (source)
A 5-gallon aquarium is suitable for a group of 4 or 5 MALE guppies. Guppies are live-bearing fish, meaning the females give birth to live, free-swimming baby fish. (source)
They get along perfectly well with mild mannered tank mates, but can also hold their own against aggressive fish. For these reasons, Mollies make the perfect Angelfish tank mates. Mollies come in tons of different colors and patterns, so finding a few that compliment the colors of your Angelfish should be a breeze. Sep 18, 2017 (source)