Can I feed guppies banana
Bananas are very delicious and also a favorite food of fish. It gives several essential nutrients. You have to cut bananas into small pieces and provide bananas to fish by peeling them off, then put the slices of bananas in the pond. Except for carnivores, almost all the fish can quickly eat fruits. (source)
Here is a summary of the best commercially available guppy foods that I use: Flakes food. Veggie pellets, Spirulina tablets. Freeze-dried brine shrimp. Freeze dried blood worms. Freeze dried tubifex worms. Sep 21, 2021 (source)
Green foods are well worth trying, as are some fruits. Blanched lettuce and cooked peas and spinach are enjoyed by most herbivorous fish, while suckermouth catfish like plecs will also happily graze on raw courgette, cucumber and sweet potatoes, even slices of melon! (source)
Yes, I do believe we do. The whole banana thing for saltwater fish most likely came from Batfish. Many years ago it was suggested that Bananas would be a good diet for them since they live amongst mangroves when young and perhaps eat the fruit. Jul 17, 2007 (source)
Guppies can eat bread, but probably you should avoid feeding them. Bread contains many ingredients that should not be introduced in a guppy fish aquarium: corn syrup, artificial coloring and flavor, sugar, yeast, folic acid and much more. Nov 28, 2021 (source)
How to Prepare the Vegetables to Feed your Guppy Fishes. Some vegetables you can try feeding to your Guppies are: Cucumber / Zucchini / Tomatoes — Wash it, remove the jelly bits and the seeds, cut into small slices and put it in the aquarium tank. May 24, 2017 (source)
Guppies are not picky eaters and will even graze on algae growing inside the aquarium. We like to give ours a wide variety of foods, such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, flake foods, pellets, and Easy Fry and Small Fish Food. (source)