Can I feed guppies betta flakes

Freshwater Flakes are a great staple diet for guppies and other community fish. You will need to grind up the flakes so that they’re small enough for guppies to eat. You can crush them between your fingers a few times before adding them to the tank. Jan 3, 2022 (source)
Do not purchase or feed flakes made for goldfish or other tropical fish. Betta fish have very short digestive tracts and do not process fillers like corn and wheat very well. These fillers are often found in many pellet and flake foods and can lead to excess bloat and digestive issues (e.g. constipation). (source)
Get the Right Food for your fish In general, feeding goldfish with beta food is not a good idea. The two species have little in common and their dietary needs are different. Betta fish need much more protein than goldfish, which can cause many problems over time. Apr 3, 2020 (source)
Best Guppy Flake Food Reviews New Life Spectrum Optimum Flakes. … Aquacarium Tropical Flakes. … Omega One Super Color Flakes. … API Tropical Flakes. … Aqueon Tropical Flakes. … Tetra Tropical Color Flakes. … Aquarian Tropical Flake Food. … JBL Novo Guppy Mini Flakes. Nov 28, 2021 (source)
Can Guppies Eat Betta Food? Guppies can eat betta food, however, this shouldn’t be the main part of their diet, and instead should only be given to them as a treat, just like live food. While betta food will give your guppies some nutrition, it’s made with carnivores in mind. (source)
The most common food, that hobbies feed their guppies with is flake food because provides all the necessary vitamins and minerals to the fish. It is recommended to feed once a day a good quality flake food that is high in protein. Sep 21, 2021 (source)
They are typically small, about two to three inches long, and have a wide range of colors and patterns. Bettas are generally peaceful fish, but they can be aggressive if they feel threatened. Betta fish can and do eat tropical flakes. Betta fish are tropical fish and should be fed a diet of tropical flakes. Feb 19, 2022 (source)
Brine shrimp, frozen bloodworms, tubifex worms, mosquito larvae, etc., all make great food for guppies. Although feeding wet food can cause problems occasionally, it is generally considered safe. As long as the food is obtained from a safe source, the risk of disease is minimal. Jan 2, 2021 (source)
The reason that most people use pellets is that they’re often higher quality than their counterparts (flakes) and it’s also easier to watch how much you’re giving him. As well as generally being higher quality than flakes they also have the added benefit of looking more natural to your betta. (source)
So while you’ll be able to feed your neon tetras some of your bettas food, you can’t feed your betta some of your neon tetras food. For the most part, high-quality fish flakes are going to be fine for your neon tetras, and high-quality betta pellets can be used for your betta. (source)
By contrast, bettas are carnivorous. Commercial foods designed for bettas contain high amounts of protein. Goldfish have slower digestive tracts — so ingesting a high-protein food designed for a betta can lead to intestinal gas, swim bladder infection and kidney failure if goldfish consume it regularly. (source)
When you’re choosing tetras make sure they are adults. Even if your betta is friendly, they’re still opportunistic eaters. That means given the chance he may still try to eat a small tetra. Check to make sure that you aren’t buying a sick tetra either. (source)
Drop a tiny pinch of flakes into the water and watch the guppies eat. They should be finished with the meal in about 30–60 seconds, and certainly no longer than a few minutes. You may decide to feed them once or twice a day, as long as you do so in appropriate amounts. (source)
How Can I Enhance My Guppy Color? (11 Easy Tips) Feed high quality and varied diet to your guppies. … Make sure your guppies are not stressed in your fish tank. … Maintain ideal water parameters. … Maintain good water quality in your aquarium. … Always make sure that your fish tank has sufficient oxygen. … Keep guppies in group. More items… • Jul 23, 2021 (source)
In fact, they are so similar that you can sometimes feed your guppy goldfish flakes. Guppies love variety, and if you really think about it, goldfish flakes are not that diverse or different. They will happily eat goldfish flakes. You, however, have to crush them a little bit more. (source)