Can fancy guppies breed with regular guppies?
That is a question that many fish keepers ask, and the answer is yes, they can be crossbred. But, as I mentioned earlier, you should not do it. If you intend to keep these two species together as you want them to breed, you might have success. The offspring of fancy guppies and endler guppies will be hybrids. Apr 10, 2022 (source)
Can you mix male and female guppies?
Now you know that you can keep male and female guppies together in a tank. And for the best success and happiness, adding lots of hiding places, keeping more females than males, and keeping the tank conditions perfect are key. (source)
Can guppies breed with siblings?
Male guppies produce higher quality sperm when courting their sisters, which may hinder females’ efforts to reduce inbreeding, according to new research. May 7, 2014 (source)
What is the rarest guppy?
The rarest Guppy Type would either be a Moscow Guppy or the Dragon Face Guppy. These two are unique in color and in their pattern. (source)
Can 3 female guppies live together?
Generally, you should keep guppies in groups. And ideally, you should keep at least a trio of guppies in at least a 5-gallon fish tank. You can keep more than a trio of guppies but then you will also need to increase the tank size of your fish tank according to the number of fish you are going to keep in the tank. Oct 16, 2021 (source)
Can I keep 4 male guppies together?
You can keep only male guppies in a tank. However, when you keep only male guppies in a tank, you will see a lot of aggression and bullying among them. To spread out the aggression, it is recommended to keep at least 6 male guppies in a male-only guppy tank. May 14, 2021 (source)
How many guppies can I put together?
Guppies should be kept in trios – 2 females to each male. Yeah, this is so important we’re sayin’ it twice. Not only does this better the chances of reproduction, but female guppies are also less likely to become territorial than males- so you’re more likely to keep a peaceful aquarium. Sep 30, 2021 (source)