Can I use rain water for guppies

Yes you can, as long as the rain water is collected directly in the open not flow down from the roof. Make sure you let the dirt settle down and use only clean clear rain water. What water conditions do guppies need? (source)
If you don’t want to use tap water for your aquarium and don’t want to pay for bottled water at the store, one practical option might be to use rainwater. However, rainwater tends to have very low mineral content, and its pH can vary. So you would need to test and treat the rainwater before using it for your fish. (source)
Since guppies are a tropical fish breed, they need a somewhat warm water to thrive in it. Mostly, an aquarium with water that’s at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit warm, should do it. But if you want to make them feel totally comfortable, 78 degrees is even better. You don’t need to go higher than that. (source)
Some wild Betta species, many tetras and rasboras all like very soft, acid water. Some even live in waters with almost zero TDS and a pH of 5 or below. These fish can live in pure or nearly pure rain water. You may use pure rainwater mixed with 5 or 10% tap water for fish like these. Aug 16, 2018 (source)
The main water options available for fish tank systems are tap water, well water, bottled water, reverse osmosis (RO) water, reverse osmosis deionized (RO/DI) water, and lastly, distilled water. Apr 23, 2022 (source)
Is Rain Good for My Pond? Rain can be beneficial to your pond by providing a free, soft water supply that does not have chemicals like chlorine or chloramine. This “free” resource often will not have harmful chemicals but presents many dangers of it’s own to your pond. Aug 5, 2014 (source)
What is this? Boiling city water can be a quick and natural way to rid it of Chlorine and make it safe for aquarium fish or simply eliminate the unpleasant taste for drinking purposes. Mar 7, 2020 (source)
Bottled Water Is Freshwater Moreover, it has been treated with chlorine or chloramine to remove dangerous bacteria and other pathogens. Based on this, once you treat bottled water with an aquarium conditioner, it should be fine to use in a freshwater tank. Jul 7, 2021 (source)
between 5.0 and 5.5 Normal, clean rain has a pH value of between 5.0 and 5.5, which is slightly acidic. However, when rain combines with sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides—produced from power plants and automobiles—the rain becomes much more acidic. Typical acid rain has a pH value of 4.0. (source)
Yes, if you’re going to look after guppies, then they definitely need light. Just like humans, guppies have a circadian rhythm, so they need light to figure out when to sleep and when to wake up. So if you’re going to house guppies in your aquarium, make sure you have a light for them as well. (source)
The most common reason for guppies dying in your aquarium is the poor water quality. By feeding your fish you actually pollute the water in your tank. Guppies produce waste (they poop and pee), which is polluting the water. Over time the pollution can become so high, that the guppies will get intoxicated and will die. (source)
Guppies need oxygenated water, like most fish. Bubblers improve the movement of water and aid the process of oxygenation, which is why they could be beneficial for your guppies. Bear in mind that besides bubbler, you also need to ensure water is filtered and the tank is clean. Guppies also need to be fed properly. (source)
Simply stuff a cheap internal canister filter with one or other medium and pop it in a bucket of rainwater. Leave it running for half an hour or so, which should be ample time for the filter to have turned over the water in bucket a few times. Most aquarists using rainwater use it in addition to tap water. (source)
Guppy fish stay small during their lives; therefore, they don’t require huge tanks to accommodate their needs. Even when kept outdoors, they’ll do fine in a patio pond kit that’s set up with aerators, lights, air pump and enough water volume (a foot or two deep). Jul 24, 2019 (source)
Wild bettas live in water that typically has a TDS of almost zero and a pH level of 5 or less. So, your pet could theoretically live in pure rainwater. Alternatively, you could mix pure rainwater with 5% or 10% tap water, although you will still condition the tap water before you use it. (source)