Can tetras live with guppies

Schooling Fish For example, many tetras make great companions for guppies. The neon tetra, a small colorful fish, makes a great tankmate. Minnows and rasboras also get along just fine with guppies. Even other members of the guppy family, like the platy, can easily, comfortably share a tank with guppies. (source)
Perfect tank mates for guppies include swordtails, mollies, platies, Cory catfish, and few others I mentioned in this article. With some fish like Bettas and Angelfish, you must take various precautions if you’re planning on keeping them together to avoid fights and injuries. Feb 23, 2022 (source)
A school of tetra is ideally made up of 6 member tetras. A five-gallon tank allows you to keep only 3 fishes which is less than the ideal number of fishes that makes up a tetra school, this technically means you need a 9-gallon tank for one school. (source)
The general rule of thumb is one gallon per one inch of fish. Therefore, in a 10-gallon fish tank, you can add 10 inches worth of guppies. More precisely, you can keep six males in an aquarium of this size. When it comes to females, you may keep four, but experienced people can push for three. (source)
So to conclude this article: yes, guppies and betta fish can live in the same aquarium. You will have a bit more work feeding your betta separately and you will also need to purchase live plants, but it is doable. Oct 26, 2021 (source)
Which Fish Can Live with Mollies? Choose molly fish tank mates that also enjoy hard, alkaline conditions. This includes other livebearers like guppies and platies, tank raised tetras and barbs, danios, and even african cichlids (so long as they are peaceful species). Feb 3, 2022 (source)
A 5-gallon aquarium is suitable for a group of 4 or 5 MALE guppies. Guppies are live-bearing fish, meaning the females give birth to live, free-swimming baby fish. (source)