Do guppies eat ants

Guppies will eat anything that fits into their mouth. In the wild, guppies usually eat small insects, mosquito larva, brine shrimp, soft algae and anything else they can find in the water. In aquariums, guppies are usually fed with commercial and sometimes with home-made food. Nov 28, 2021 (source)
Although archerfish do not exclusively eat ants, ants are a staple part of archerfish diet. Along with ants these fish eat: arachnids, beetles, bees, crickets, and an array of other insects. (source)
One of the main differences between kind and type is that type is used to show sub-division or category while kind is used in the sense of ‘sort’. (source)
Yes, look at your sidewalks, those ants are tasty morsels for your fish. Place a small piece of ripe fruit in a clean jar tipped on its side (a plastic peanut butter or mayonnaise jar works well). Once the fruit is covered with ants, pick up the jar and add enough water to cover the fruit. Nov 24, 2021 (source)
Guppies Diet. Guppies eat a wide variety of foods in the wild, including algae and water insect larvae. In a home aquarium though, you want to feed your guppies a combination of foods. By feeding them a quality flake food designed for tropical fish, you can enhance the colour of your guppy. Apr 2, 2022 (source)
Brine shrimp is the number one food for guppies, especially if they are feed live to your fish. Brine shrimp has a 60% protein content and around 25% fat and carbohydrates. A high level of protein, fat and carbohydrates will allow your guppy fry grow bigger and faster. Adult are also love consuming brine shrimp. Sep 21, 2021 (source)
Fluval Bug Bites is known for its high-quality ingredients and it will be quickly eaten by many fish, including guppies. (source)
Guppies (Poecilia reticulata), in spite of their tiny size, are useful inhabitants of ponds they have been introduced into and inhabit. Specifically, one of their favorite foods is mosquito larvae and mosquito eggs. This tropical fish, the Guppy, is able to eat almost their total weight of mosquito larvae every day! Apr 5, 2022 (source)
Ant eggs were one of the first traditional food sold for goldfish and tropical fish for many decades until surpassed by better foods. This food consists of mainly dried ant pupa (probably the common black garden ant, Lasius niger). Mar 8, 2011 (source)
Betta fish are hardcore carnivores and insects of all sorts would make up part of their natural diet. In the wild Bettas are opportunistic feeders, meaning they will eat just about anything they can fit in their mouths, which would include ants, termites, and flies. (source)
Yes, they do. However, if an ant has large pincers, you may want to remove them first because one latched onto the mouth of my black neon tetra and wouldn’t let go. :icon_lol: Honestly if was funny to see but I had to remove him from its mouth and then drop him back in the tank to be eaten again. Sep 11, 2012 (source)