Do guppies like sand

Yes you can and I hope you do because sand looks really good in all tanks to me. There are some fish which benefit from sand, (Like Corydoras Catfish) and fish that shouldn’t have sand, (Like Betta Splendens). Sand also gives it a more natural feel and is also easier to clean. (source)
Guppies are not dependent on artificial lights, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need any lights. The natural light that gets in through your window is enough for guppy fish. If you have a planted aquarium, you may need to install artificial lights as natural light is not enough for many aquarium plants. Jan 24, 2022 (source)
10 Tips to Keep Your Guppies Healthy and Happy Buy Guppies From Well-Known Sources Only. … Choose the Right Tank Size. … Get a Good Water Filter. … Feed High-Quality Food. … Change Water Regularly. … Substrate Vacuuming. … Filter Maintenance and Cleaning. … Reduce Stress and Aggression. More items… • Dec 10, 2021 (source)
Having a substrate will allow the environment to mimic their natural habitat, providing guppies with a plus of comfort. Not to mention, a well-maintained substrate will also allow you to keep scavenger fish, which will balance the environment and clean the substrate for you. Dec 9, 2021 (source)
What’s the Best Substrate for Guppies? Lots of aquatic hobbyists prefer sand when housing guppies. Sep 30, 2021 (source)
Sand has a couple of other benefits when compared to gravel. Many aquarium owners think it looks more natural, better mimicking the lakes or riverbeds that make up fish’ natural habitats. In addition, closely packed sand substrate needs to be changed less frequently. Nov 21, 2016 (source)
Guppies are not picky eaters and will even graze on algae growing inside the aquarium. We like to give ours a wide variety of foods, such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, flake foods, pellets, and Easy Fry and Small Fish Food. (source)
Yes, guppies like to be in a heavily planted tanks. Just make sure that you are keeping the plants through which they can swim around. Heavily planted tanks also promote breeding and it provides a lot of hiding places for fry. Nov 9, 2019 (source)
The truth is that guppies can survive and do well without having live plants. There are other ways to create hiding spots and cover using fake plants and other ornaments. Without plants, you will not have the additional cleaning benefit that live plants offer, which means you’ll have to do more water changes. (source)
The main purpose of this post is to answer the question do guppies need a bubbler. As seen above, the answer is yes. Like other freshwater fish that swim in currents in their natural habitat, guppies aren’t fans of stagnant water. They also love clean and aerated water, and that’s exactly where bubblers step in. (source)
Yes, if you’re going to look after guppies, then they definitely need light. Just like humans, guppies have a circadian rhythm, so they need light to figure out when to sleep and when to wake up. So if you’re going to house guppies in your aquarium, make sure you have a light for them as well. (source)
Guppies like caves because it allows them to rest and have a peaceful place to hide. Also, during the breeding and mating period, your guppies will like hiding places like a cave. You can also add some plants and give a nice overall natural look to your guppy tank. (source)
Guppies love to have plenty of aquatic plants to hide, play, and rest in. Any of the plants listed below would make an excellent addition to your guppy tank. Flame Moss Aquarium Plants Live Freshwater – 1.5″x 2″ Moss Stone Pad 2pc – Natural Terrarium Moss… Sep 30, 2021 (source)
Driftwood tends to complement vividly colored fish, so aquarists often choose to pair driftwood with tetras, guppies and cichlids. Sep 26, 2017 (source)
You will want to use sand that is designed to be used in a freshwater aquarium. Most sand is silica-based, and that silica can contribute to brown algae. Aquarium sand that is silica-based will have a coating that prevents this. When shopping for aquarium sand for your freshwater tank, you need to consider grain size. (source)