Do guppies need direct sunlight

No, guppies don’t need light at night. Guppies need darkness to sleep and rest properly. Having the aquarium lights on all the time may result in poor sleep quality, sickness, and eventually, death. Guppies need six to eight hours of sleep each day and thus, you should keep the lights off for the same amount of time. (source)
If you are raising guppy fry, it’s important to give them at least seven or eight hours of darkness each night. Lighting helps guppy fry grow faster, but more than 12 to 17 hours of light will deprive them of much-needed rest and relaxation they get when they fall asleep. (source)
You know your guppies are happy if they exhibit signs of being happy and healthy including: Smooth and brightly colored scales with no discoloration. No bumps or abnormal growths on the body. Flared out fins. Clear, normal eyes with no clouding or bulging. Normal breathing, not too slow or too rapid. Active swimming. More items… (source)
Guppies are not picky eaters and will even graze on algae growing inside the aquarium. We like to give ours a wide variety of foods, such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, flake foods, pellets, and Easy Fry and Small Fish Food. (source)
How Much Sleep do Guppies Need? Leaving the lights on 24/7 is a bad idea. Guppies need darkness to be able to rest. Having the lights always on might eventually result in dead fish. Sep 23, 2021 (source)
10 Tips to Keep Your Guppies Healthy and Happy Buy Guppies From Well-Known Sources Only. … Choose the Right Tank Size. … Get a Good Water Filter. … Feed High-Quality Food. … Change Water Regularly. … Substrate Vacuuming. … Filter Maintenance and Cleaning. … Reduce Stress and Aggression. More items… • Dec 10, 2021 (source)
8,000K White. This is a warmer white light that enhances reds, greens, oranges, gold, and yellow colors in many fish, including: swordtails, platies, guppies, goldfish, bettas, discus, tetras with red colors, rainbow sharks, and albino fish. (source)
Guppies do not necessarily require an airstone or bubbler, but they do require water circulation and movement, which can be delivered either from a filter or an airstone or both. (source)
Guppies tend to be top swimmers. This means that they spend most of their time swimming near the top of the tank. They might also sometimes swim towards the bottom, but by and large, they prefer to be at the top. Mar 22, 2022 (source)
The ideal water hardness for guppies is dGH 8-12. The correlation between water hardness and pH is very important. Usually, the higher the water hardness, the higher the pH level is. The general rule for most species is to change half of your water every week so it always remains fresh and clean. (source)
Generally, you should keep guppies in groups. And ideally, you should keep at least a trio of guppies in at least a 5-gallon fish tank. You can keep more than a trio of guppies but then you will also need to increase the tank size of your fish tank according to the number of fish you are going to keep in the tank. Oct 16, 2021 (source)
They recognize you – Guppies are smarter than most people give them credit for. They can recognize their owners, even though they have limited capabilities of showing it. They may see you sticking your hand in their aquarium as an opportunity to greet and interact with you. Jan 20, 2022 (source)
What’s the Best Substrate for Guppies? Lots of aquatic hobbyists prefer sand when housing guppies. Sep 30, 2021 (source)
The truth is that guppies can survive and do well without having live plants. There are other ways to create hiding spots and cover using fake plants and other ornaments. Without plants, you will not have the additional cleaning benefit that live plants offer, which means you’ll have to do more water changes. (source)
Do guppies need live plants? It is not a must to have live plants in a guppy aquarium. But there are lots of benefits of keeping live plants in not only guppy aquarium but any aquarium. Live plants help to emulate the natural habitat of guppy fish. Nov 9, 2019 (source)