How do you entertain a guppy fish?
Turn off the lights for at least 8 hours per day. Guppies need light to thrive during the day, but constant light can actually kill them. Set your tank light on a timer so that it goes out and night and provides the guppies with time to rest and recharge. (source)
Do fish like things in their tank?
Goldfish like plants, variety in their food, a large, clean tank with a stress-free environment, lots of oxygen in their tank, nice cold soft water, other Goldfish as mates and some decorations in their tank. Sep 10, 2019 (source)
How do I know my guppies are happy?
You know your guppies are happy if they exhibit signs of being happy and healthy including: Smooth and brightly colored scales with no discoloration. No bumps or abnormal growths on the body. Flared out fins. Clear, normal eyes with no clouding or bulging. Normal breathing, not too slow or too rapid. Active swimming. More items… (source)
What kind of decorations do guppies like?
Guppies are not dependent on artificial lights, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need any lights. The natural light that gets in through your window is enough for guppy fish. If you have a planted aquarium, you may need to install artificial lights as natural light is not enough for many aquarium plants. Jan 24, 2022 (source)
Are guppies playful?
The guppy fish is adorably attractive, non-aggressive, and playful, and adds a whole lot of personality and color to any aquarium. (source)
Do fish like toys?
Yes, toys! Toys make aquarium fishes super-happy and excited. Toys can stimulate and reduce the stress levels of many fish species. (source)
How do I entertain my fish?
To stimulate your fish’s brain, give it toys like floating rocks and caves for it to hide in. You can even train your fish to do tricks like swim through a hoop or jump out of the water with a little practice. Keeping your fish healthy and active will help you enjoy your fish for longer. (source)
Can you put toys in a fish tank?
Most rigid plastic toys, ornaments and figurines are safe for aquariums as long as they are not painted and do not have any sticker decals on them. Make sure the object is well-cleaned and any stickers or adhesives are completely removed. Jan 11, 2010 (source)
Do fish like decorations?
Decorations create the atmosphere your fish live in and you look at. Second, though more important, decorating the tank will make the fish more comfortable. Most fish are well aware that they are prey animals, and as such will be stressed and uncomfortable if they feel exposed and vulnerable. (source)
What do stressed guppies look like?
stressed guppies will lose some of their color and will become pale. guppies may stay near the surface gasping for air. nicked fins or injuries on their body. cloudy or swollen eyes (this can be caused by bacteria or internal parasites) Oct 9, 2021 (source)
Do guppies like bubbles?
The main purpose of this post is to answer the question do guppies need a bubbler. As seen above, the answer is yes. Like other freshwater fish that swim in currents in their natural habitat, guppies aren’t fans of stagnant water. They also love clean and aerated water, and that’s exactly where bubblers step in. (source)
Should I add salt to my guppy tank?
What is normal guppy behavior?
Typical Behavior Guppies are peaceful fish that enjoy the safety and social aspect of swimming in groups. They are fast, active swimmers, and they spend most of their time exploring and chasing one another. Male guppies enjoy showing off to the females. Jan 21, 2022 (source)
Do guppies like light?
Yes, if you’re going to look after guppies, then they definitely need light. Just like humans, guppies have a circadian rhythm, so they need light to figure out when to sleep and when to wake up. So if you’re going to house guppies in your aquarium, make sure you have a light for them as well. (source)
Do guppies like hiding places?
They might get stressed and most of the time will hide or just stay in a corner of your tank. The lack of hiding space or live plants is the worst. Your guppies will not be able to hide, and the aggressive tank mates will chase them until they die. Feb 23, 2022 (source)