How can you tell a male guppy from a female
Colors — Male Guppies are much more colorful than females are since they use their vivid color to attract a mate. Female’s body is usually pale gray or silver bodies whereas a male’s body are colorful with different patterns. May 24, 2017 (source)
about every 30 days Guppies typically reproduce about every 30 days and give birth to litters approximately 20 times throughout their lives. The researchers found that as female guppies aged, they began to skip litters or even stop reproducing for extended periods of time, effectively ceasing to reproduce after a certain age. Dec 29, 2005 (source)
Despite what television might have you believe, zombies aren’t running around and having romantic interactions with the living. Usually. But one species of fish does reproduce posthumously. Female Trinidadian guppies store sperm from males that they mated with. Jun 6, 2013 (source)
The easiest way to tell if a guppy is pregnant is to look for a dark spot under her tail toward the backside of the stomach. This dark spot is called a gravid patch and as the babies grow, this guppy gravid spot will increase in size while also becoming darker. (source)
Gasparini had found that an interaction between ovarian fluid and sperm resulted in sperm from a sibling travelling at a slower pace than from an unrelated male, reducing the success of that sibling’s sperm. May 7, 2014 (source)
What Is the Rarest Guppy Color? Some of the rarest Guppy colors are Solid Green, Solid Purple, Bronze, Half Black Green, and Half Black Purple. The Moscoe Guppy is also rare because it is hard to breed and it is hard to purchase. (source)
Generally, you should keep guppies in groups. And ideally, you should keep at least a trio of guppies in at least a 5-gallon fish tank. You can keep more than a trio of guppies but then you will also need to increase the tank size of your fish tank according to the number of fish you are going to keep in the tank. Oct 16, 2021 (source)
These white guppies are rare and premium quality guppies. They cannot be found easily in any of the live fish stores. These guppies are hardy, very energetic, and very easy to maintain. Their rare color makes the water tank or aquarium lively and beautiful. (source)