How long can guppies survive without food

Guppies are very hardy. Healthy adult guppies can easily survive for up to 2 weeks without food whilst you are on vacation. Younger guppies would be able to survive for around 1 week without food. Baby guppies (fry) can only go for 1 or 2 days without food. (source)
Mature Guppies Feed adult guppies once or twice a day. At least one meal should consist of live food. Unlike young fish, whose frequent meals support rapid development, adults function well with fewer meals. (source)
Adult guppies can survive without food for up to 2 weeks. However there are few things to consider before leaving your tank for such a long period of time. Though, guppy fry will not survive more than 3 days without food. Nov 7, 2021 (source)
They can suffocate and die quickly without water (following three to four minutes of no gill movement), so it’s important that you don’t take them out unless the new water is ready for their transfer. May 1, 2019 (source)
Guppies are naturally top feeders. They mostly swim right below the water surface. However, guppies are known to be opportunistic feeders and will eat from anywhere in the tank where there is food available. If your guppies are eating from the bottom of the tank, it probably means they have been conditioned to do so. Apr 11, 2022 (source)
Male guppies mature in 7 weeks or less. Total lifespan of guppies in the wild varies greatly, but it is typically around 2 years. (source)
How To Tell If Your Fish Is Hungry Your fish is digging around the substrate (searching for food). Waiting and the top of the aquarium (for feeding time). Behavior changes (aggression). Noticeable weight/size changes. Slow or sluggish behavior. Jan 10, 2022 (source)
In fact, they are so similar that you can sometimes feed your guppy goldfish flakes. Guppies love variety, and if you really think about it, goldfish flakes are not that diverse or different. They will happily eat goldfish flakes. You, however, have to crush them a little bit more. (source)
The general rule of thumb is that you should feed your guppies two times a day with about 1/8th of their body weight each time. If you have a large community tank with several guppies in it, then you will need to reduce the amount of food you give them so that they all get a fair share! Aug 31, 2021 (source)
Guppies can eat human food like cucumber, carrots, spinach, cauliflower, peas, broccoli, cabbage, kale, potato (sweet and regular), zucchini, tomatoes, lettuce, bell paper, pumpkin, corn. Avoid feeding processed human food to guppies. May 31, 2021 (source)
Get an automatic fish feeder and fill it with your Guppy’s fish pellets or flakes. The automatic fish feeder will automatically release food into the water according to a schedule that you programmed into it. They are only suitable for pellets and flakes so don’t put an live foods in them. May 28, 2017 (source)
Though I’m still able to keep guppies outside in my yard for 6-7 months without using a heater. In the winter all my tanks are heated with one or more aquarium heaters. Nov 14, 2021 (source)
No, you should not keep guppies in a fish bowl. In fact, you should avoid keeping any type of fish in a glass bowl. Jan 8, 2022 (source)
Guppies do not necessarily require an airstone or bubbler, but they do require water circulation and movement, which can be delivered either from a filter or an airstone or both. (source)
NO, guppy fish can’t live without oxygen. Guppies breathe by pumping water through their gills which takes out the oxygen from the water. In the next part, I will give you some info on how the oxygen exchange works and how to increase the oxygen level in your aquarium water. Dec 13, 2021 (source)