How much does a guppy cost

The prices for fancy guppies like the multi delta or Moscow blue can start at $25 for a breeding pair or a couple of fry and can go as high as $50-$60 for a pair. These fish have interesting and vibrant colors that set them apart from your average guppies. Feb 14, 2022 (source)
They’re Small and Cheap Guppies don’t take up a lot of space, so you don’t need a huge aquarium. The rule of thumb is one guppy per gallon of water. So if you want just a handful of beautiful fish, you can get a tank small enough to set on your desk or bookshelf. (source)
The average price for a pair of fancy guppies or competition guppies is roughly $50-60. If you have mutt guppies, know that they sell for less. They’re the least expensive type of guppy, usually costing no more than a couple of dollars each. You might be able to sell them for around $9 or less a pair. Jan 25, 2022 (source)
Guppies are one of the best choices for beginners, and especially for children. They usually start out as the lowest priced fish in any shop and go up according to the variant you purchase. Guppy fish swim almost effortlessly within your tank, but they can get diseases just like any other fish. (source)
If you want what’s best for your guppy fish and want it to have a healthy life, don’t keep it alone. Guppies are social fish that like to be kept together with other fish — whether from their own breed or not — and won’t do as well if they’re kept by themselves. (source)
So to conclude this article: yes, guppies and betta fish can live in the same aquarium. You will have a bit more work feeding your betta separately and you will also need to purchase live plants, but it is doable. Oct 26, 2021 (source)
2 to 3 years Guppies live an average of 2 to 3 years. In the wild, guppies live an average of 2 years. However, in captivity guppies can live anywhere between 2-5 years. Although the average is typically 2-3 years in captivity, if properly cared for, guppies have been known to live up to 5 years. Feb 25, 2022 (source)
Guppies usually sell for anywhere between $1 per fish to $100 per pair. The cost is usually dictated by rarity. (source)
Overall, our conclusion is that guppies and goldfish should not live together. It’s far better to choose to keep only one species or to house them in their ideal conditions within separate tanks. There many species of fish in the aquarium hobby that go perfectly together in the same tank setup. Nov 3, 2021 (source)
The neon blue guppy, a variation of Poecilia reticulata, is native to Asia, Central America and Brazil. Because of its extravagant coloring and docile temperament, this guppy has become a favorite for aquarium enthusiasts around the world. As a hardy, quick-maturing fish, it’s often a top choice for beginners. (source)
If you’ve chosen to separate the fry from parents and grow them out, you can even sell guppies for profit. You can sell them on ebay or other online marketplaces including aquarist community forums. You can ask anywhere from $20 to $50 per pair, or even more if you have a more unique or rare color and pattern. May 17, 2019 (source)
To set up a guppy tank, start by getting a tank that’s at least 10 gallons and lining the bottom of it with 2 inches of aquarium gravel. Then, set up an external power filter to clean the tank water, and fill the tank halfway with water before adding any decorations you want to use. (source)
You can keep only male guppies in a tank. However, when you keep only male guppies in a tank, you will see a lot of aggression and bullying among them. To spread out the aggression, it is recommended to keep at least 6 male guppies in a male-only guppy tank. May 14, 2021 (source)
Yes, just like guppies, guppy fry are going to need a heater to keep warm as well. The heater for your guppy fry should be set between 76-80°F. (source)