Is my guppy in labor

Female guppies are usually in labor for between 2 and 8 hours. Labor is usually an uncomplicated affair with the guppy giving birth to between 40 and 80 babies. Sometimes however things can take a little longer than they should and a female guppy can be giving birth for up to a couple of days. (source)
Female Guppy Hiding Hiding between plants or staying in a corner of the tank is another sign that your female guppy fish is in labor and ready to give birth. This is not a normal behavior of guppies. So it is easy to spot. Just before giving birth, she will separate herself from the rest. (source)
Guppies don’t give birth to all their babies at once. That’s because they don’t lay eggs like other fish. So, they have to give birth to one fry at a time. That is why they need more time for breeding than other fish. (source)
It is not normal for guppies to lay on the bottom of the tank. In my experience, there are a number of reasons guppies lay on the bottom of the tank and these include illness, stress, and poor water quality. Pregnant females may also lay on the bottom of the tank prior to giving birth. (source)
Guppies are livebearers, which means, they give birth to live fry. The female guppy gives birth to 20-60 fry at a time. They usually give birth once every 30 days, until they become 2-2.5 years old. Usually, the female guppy will hide, when she is ready to drop the fry. (source)
Stress During Pregnancy One of the biggest reasons why guppies die before or during birth is because of very high-stress levels. You see, pregnancy is a very stressful thing for female guppies. When they are pregnant, their stress levels go up naturally, and there is nothing you can do about that. Apr 7, 2022 (source)
The gravid spot is a unique physical feature that’s exclusive to livebearing females. It’s the darkened skin of the womb located just behind the anal fin. The area is usually visible in female guppies whether they’re pregnant or not because of their semi-transparent belly skin. Jun 11, 2021 (source)
Roughly 28 days. Keep reading to find out how do fish give birth in a tank. Jul 16, 2019 (source)
After Your Guppy Gives Birth After your female gives birth, separate her from the fry, either through the use of a mesh or another tank. This is necessary as she may eat the fry, seeking the nourishment she needs to recover. Isolate her for one to two days. During this time, feed her well and regularly. Aug 9, 2021 (source)