Can I put guppies with angelfish
Will angelfish eat my guppies? Angelfish can eat smaller Guppies In the wild, as well in aquariums the larger fishes will eat the smaller ones. Angelfish can easily consume the …
Will angelfish eat my guppies? Angelfish can eat smaller Guppies In the wild, as well in aquariums the larger fishes will eat the smaller ones. Angelfish can easily consume the …
Can I keep just 2 guppies? Generally, you should keep guppies in groups. And ideally, you should keep at least a trio of guppies in at least a 5-gallon fish …
Can fancy guppies breed with regular guppies? That is a question that many fish keepers ask, and the answer is yes, they can be crossbred. But, as I mentioned earlier, …
Can fancy guppies breed with regular guppies? That is a question that many fish keepers ask, and the answer is yes, they can be crossbred. But, as I mentioned earlier, …
Can two guppy fish live together? Yes, you can have two male guppies together. Male guppies have no problem cohabiting. With that said, male guppies can sometimes exhibit aggression towards …
What is the minimum amount of guppies? But, as a minimum, 3 is the magic number – 1 male and 2 females. Keeping 2 males and 1 female isn’t a …
How long can guppies go without a bubbler? Fish can survive about two days without an air pump in completely still water. However, with the right kind of filter producing …
Can guppies survive in a cold water tank? Keeping Guppies in Cold Water Their ideal temperature range is set between 72-82 °F (22-28 °C). That said, guppy fish can survive …
How many male guppies should be kept together? You can keep only male guppies in a tank. However, when you keep only male guppies in a tank, you will see …
What food can I feed my guppies? Brine shrimp, frozen bloodworms, tubifex worms, mosquito larvae, etc., all make great food for guppies. Although feeding wet food can cause problems occasionally, …