Should I separate guppy fry from mother

Remove the mother immediately after the birth or she’ll eat the babies. It’s natural for the mother to eat her babies, so it’s important to remove her as soon as you can. Use a fish net to scoop the mother from the breeder net or tank, then place her back in her regular habitat. (source)
Yes, they do. Though guppies are one of the calmest breeds and are generally pretty peaceful, they often end up eating their fry. This weird and disturbing activity is termed as filial cannibalism. What makes it even more puzzling is that you normally don’t expect nonviolent fish like guppies to behave this way. (source)
Breeding Box As soon as the female guppy gives birth, she should be taken out of the breeding box to prevent her from eating the fry. The fry will be safe in the breeding box as other fish won’t be able to get in nor will the fry be able to get out. May 27, 2019 (source)
After Your Guppy Gives Birth After your female gives birth, separate her from the fry, either through the use of a mesh or another tank. This is necessary as she may eat the fry, seeking the nourishment she needs to recover. Isolate her for one to two days. During this time, feed her well and regularly. Aug 9, 2021 (source)
What to do With Unwanted Guppy Fry? 5 Things You Can do With Guppy Fry. … Just Leave Them with Their Parents. … Separate Them from Their Parents. … Give Guppy Fry Away to Friends. … Grow Out Guppy Fry and Sell for Profit. … Conduct Selective Breeding. May 17, 2019 (source)
If you are keeping your fry together with the adults, in the community tank, you don’t need to worry about your water parameters. As long the adults are happy, the fry will also thrive. (source)
For many species, it’s important to keep fertilized eggs and newly hatched fish, or fry, separate from the adults. Some fish eat their own young while others eat the young of other species. Keeping the fish eggs and fry separate from the adult fish may give them a better chance of survival. Jul 13, 2019 (source)
Guppies show no parental care for their fry and do not distinguish their own offspring from any other fry in the vicinity. (source)
One of the first questions people usually ask is, “How do guppies have babies?” When a guppy gives birth, the females will “drop” 2 to 200 baby guppies, called fry, typically in four to six hours. If she is stressed, however, the process to give birth to all the fry can take up to 12 hours. (source)
Guppy fry are easy to keep, but their growth to maturity takes about three months and that can sound like a lot! They’re not hard to keep, but you need to make sure you provide good nutrition and conditions so they grow well. (source)
How long do you keep fry in the breeder box? In general, the babies should be large enough to not fit in mouths of the adult fish before you add them back into your main tank. For livebearer fry, this may be as soon as 4 to 5 weeks. (source)
It is recommended that a pregnant guppy be removed from the community tank, or isolated in a part of it, in order to give birth to her fry. (source)
If you have lots of live plants in your aquarium, you can be sure, that some of the fry will survive. However, if you want to save as many fry as possible, you need to remove the pregnant female guppy from the rest. You can put your female guppy into a breeding box. I recommend using this breeding box from Amazon. (source)
A female guppy can become pregnant again just hours after giving birth, which has given these highly fertile fish the nickname “million fish.” Female guppies have the ability to store sperm from males for up to a year, and they can have up to eight pregnancies from one insemination if they are healthy and have good … (source)