What big fish can live with guppies

Cardinal Tetra Cardinal Tetras are a suitable choice for a community fish and can coexist with Guppies barring one caveat: in a tank with few hiding spots, Cardinal Tetras may eat Guppy fry, so if you plan on keeping the fry provide enough hiding spots or remove the fry. (source)
Great tank mates for guppies include: Cardinal tetras. Cory catfish. Harlequin rasboras. Mollies. Dwarf chain loaches. Rummy nose tetras. Kuhli loaches. Sparkling gouramis. More items… • Jan 21, 2022 (source)
Fish you should never keep together with tiger barbs are guppies, angelfish, bettas, goldfish, cichlids. Other docile fish with flowy fins and fish that are too aggressive aren’t a good match either. (source)
While many cichlids are notorious for their aggression, several small dwarf cichlids make good companions for guppies. The ram and krib are small riverine cichlids that have a much more peaceful demeanor than their larger relatives. Additionally, rams can benefit from guppy companions. (source)
YES! Guppies and neon tetras make excellent tank mates when the conditions are right. (source)
Red tail sharks tend to bully slow-moving, timid, long-finned, and small fish, like angelfish, fancy guppies, and bettas. Invertebrates shouldn’t be added to the tank because red tail sharks eat them. Jan 27, 2022 (source)
As tetras and guppies are both peaceful and friendly fish, they can easily be kept in the same aquarium. If you do intend to keep them together, you can still consider another fish species to keep them with. For guppies, you can never go wrong with adding more guppies to the tank. Apr 7, 2022 (source)