What happens after a guppy gives birth

Remove the mother immediately after the birth or she’ll eat the babies. It’s natural for the mother to eat her babies, so it’s important to remove her as soon as you can. Use a fish net to scoop the mother from the breeder net or tank, then place her back in her regular habitat. (source)
One of the first questions people usually ask is, “How do guppies have babies?” When a guppy gives birth, the females will “drop” 2 to 200 baby guppies, called fry, typically in four to six hours. If she is stressed, however, the process to give birth to all the fry can take up to 12 hours. (source)
“Guppies have no postnatal care for their young, so from a fitness prospective, when they last give birth, they might as well be dead,” Reznick told LiveScience. “The only reason for them to live longer would be that different parts of their bodies break down at different rates.” Dec 29, 2005 (source)
A female guppy can have 50-60 young at one time. When Mother Nature sees such a large family, she knows that the fish tank is overcrowded. May 29, 2022 (source)
It is recommended that a pregnant guppy be removed from the community tank, or isolated in a part of it, in order to give birth to her fry. (source)
Guppy fry will accept any food that their adult parents will eat. When you feed them, make sure you crush up the food, so it can fit in their mouth. Feeding live food to your fish fry is the best: baby brine shrimp, micro worms, daphnia, or vinegar eels. (source)
Yes, they do. Though guppies are one of the calmest breeds and are generally pretty peaceful, they often end up eating their fry. This weird and disturbing activity is termed as filial cannibalism. (source)
Baby guppies are in danger as soon as their born, so it’s important to keep them safe. Keep them separated from the adult guppies, or at least give them hiding spots in the tank to avoid being eaten. Feed them often, keep them in warm water, and give them live food to allow them to grow quickly. (source)
There are various reasons why this happens: Fry get stuck in the birth canal due to a deformity or an overdue pregnancy (stress can prevent female guppy fish to release the fry); Jan 10, 2022 (source)
A newborn guppy fry would be around 1/4 inches (0.6 cm) in length. The first four weeks of a fry is when they should be given the most care and attention. May 24, 2017 (source)
To dispel misinformation and myths once and for all, guppies cannot change sex and are not hermaphrodites. Females need males to fertilize their eggs and produce offspring, but they will also store the males’ sperm several months for when males are not available. Jan 20, 2022 (source)