What is a dragon guppy

The male Red Mosaic Dragon Guppy features a red dumbo ear and has a beautiful red tail with the mosaic pattern on it. This fresh, exciting coloration makes the Red Mosaic Dragon Guppy stand out and is relished by guppy enthusiasts and any freshwater aquarium hobbyist interested in unusual and distinct fish. (source)
The Panda Guppy is one of many unique varieties of Poecilia reticulata guppy developed through years of careful selective breeding. The Panda Guppy was bred for deep black and blue color with complimentary yet contrasting silver coloring which are reminiscent of Panda markings. (source)
Yellow Tiger guppy is an extremely colorful, peaceful fish that has a particular color variety of incredible yellow and black coloration with red and blue highlights. (source)
Cobra guppies are a form of fancy guppy that has a spotted pattern across its body, resembling a snakeskin. Guppies are also commonly called millions fish and have the scientific name Poecilia reticulata. Jan 15, 2021 (source)
The Red Mosaic Dumbo Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is a very colorful guppy variety that is distinctive due to its extra large pectoral fins, which resemble elephant ears. Various shades of red, orange, blue, violet, and yellow are present in this variety, and even females are very colorful! (source)
Family : Poeciliidae. The Blue Moscow Guppies are a type of guppies that were developed in Russia back in the late 70’s/early 80’s. They were smuggled into the states in the 80’s. They were selectively bred for their beautiful blue coloring. These guppies really pop against a 3D background. (source)
The Dragon Mosaic Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is a very colorful guppy variety that is now well established in the aquarium world. Various shades of red, orange, blue, violet, and yellow are present in this variety, even in females! (source)
The Koi Tuxedo Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is a very uncommon guppy variety that has vivid orange, dark blue, and white coloration in both males and females. Males also display this coloration across the entire body and fins! (source)
The rarest Guppy Type would either be a Moscow Guppy or the Dragon Face Guppy. These two are unique in color and in their pattern. (source)
The neon blue guppy, a variation of Poecilia reticulata, is native to Asia, Central America and Brazil. Because of its extravagant coloring and docile temperament, this guppy has become a favorite for aquarium enthusiasts around the world. As a hardy, quick-maturing fish, it’s often a top choice for beginners. (source)
Guppies are best kept in groups. While not a picky eater, the Full Red Albino Guppy will thrive and remain very colorful on a varied diet of meaty foods with supplementation of some nutritious plant matter. High-quality flake food, pellets, and frozen or freeze-dried foods will all be readily accepted. (source)
To dispel misinformation and myths once and for all, guppies cannot change sex and are not hermaphrodites. Females need males to fertilize their eggs and produce offspring, but they will also store the males’ sperm several months for when males are not available. Jan 20, 2022 (source)
So to conclude this article: yes, guppies and betta fish can live in the same aquarium. You will have a bit more work feeding your betta separately and you will also need to purchase live plants, but it is doable. Oct 26, 2021 (source)
The Male Platinum White Guppy is a beautiful colour variant of the most well-known and popular aquarium fish for both beginners and seasoned aquarists alike. They add plenty of colour to tanks, are peaceful, relatively cheap and very easy to maintain. (source)