What is red guppy

What Is the Rarest Guppy Color? Some of the rarest Guppy colors are Solid Green, Solid Purple, Bronze, Half Black Green, and Half Black Purple. The Moscoe Guppy is also rare because it is hard to breed and it is hard to purchase. (source)
Guppy Albino full red, 3, Rs 125/piece Red Sea Aquarium | ID: 22457377188. (source)
Guppies from the snakeskin class produce some of the most rare offspring. Fish who carry the snakeskin genetic trait, and show a rosette pattern on the body, are exceptional. A solid blue tail snakeskin would be an example of a rare fish, a matching dorsal and tail color, is rarer still. (source)
The Dragon Mosaic Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is a very colorful guppy variety that is now well established in the aquarium world. Various shades of red, orange, blue, violet, and yellow are present in this variety, even in females! (source)
These white guppies are rare and premium quality guppies. They cannot be found easily in any of the live fish stores. These guppies are hardy, very energetic, and very easy to maintain. Their rare color makes the water tank or aquarium lively and beautiful. (source)
The neon blue guppy, a variation of Poecilia reticulata, is native to Asia, Central America and Brazil. Because of its extravagant coloring and docile temperament, this guppy has become a favorite for aquarium enthusiasts around the world. As a hardy, quick-maturing fish, it’s often a top choice for beginners. (source)
The Male Platinum White Guppy is a beautiful colour variant of the most well-known and popular aquarium fish for both beginners and seasoned aquarists alike. They add plenty of colour to tanks, are peaceful, relatively cheap and very easy to maintain. (source)
The Koi Tuxedo Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is a very uncommon guppy variety that has vivid orange, dark blue, and white coloration in both males and females. Males also display this coloration across the entire body and fins! (source)
Most female Guppies first produce young ones between 10 to 20 weeks of age, while males can mate and breed at 7 weeks. After the first breeding, Guppies can reproduce after every 30 days and continue reproducing up to around 20 months of age, which closely coincides with Guppy average lifespan. Feb 10, 2021 (source)
What Fish Can Breed with Guppies? Just like with platies, guppies can be crossbreed within their family: Poeciliidae. There are many fish species, which are part of the Poeciliidae family, the most common, which are also available in most fish shops are endler guppies and mollies. Apr 10, 2022 (source)
Can You Keep Different Types of Guppies Together? Yes. I actually recommend this option if you want a more diverse tank. There are nearly 300 species of guppies available with a variety of subspecies and presenting incredible color and pattern variations. Jan 20, 2022 (source)
You can keep only male guppies in a tank. However, when you keep only male guppies in a tank, you will see a lot of aggression and bullying among them. To spread out the aggression, it is recommended to keep at least 6 male guppies in a male-only guppy tank. May 14, 2021 (source)
A delta tail guppy is a type of guppy fish that has a unique tail that is shaped like a delta. This type of guppy fish is often considered to be among the most beautiful of all guppies. They have a long, slim body with a sharply pointed tail. Feb 14, 2022 (source)
Guppies and Mollies can easily create hybrids if they are kept in the right conditions. There are two names for two types of hybrids. A hybrid fry from a male Guppy and a female Molly is called Golly, whereas a fry from a male Molly and a female Guppy is called Muppy. (source)