Do goldfish need plants in their tank

The basic needs of a goldfish are oxygen, food, and shelter. Aquatic plants can provide all three. Jun 27, 2020 (source)
Goldfish Tank Essentials Gravel or pebble substrate. Filter. Lighting. Live or artificial plants. Aquarium safe decorations. Goldfish food. A net. Test kit for PH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. More items… • Mar 23, 2015 (source)
Conclusion. The best picks for plants for your goldfish tank are Java fern, because of its ease of growth and propagation, Hornwort, because of its hardy nature, and Anubias, because of its ease of growth and versatility. May 28, 2022 (source)
Goldfish are notorious for munching on or digging up aquatic plants, which is a shame because live plants are both beautiful and beneficial, capable of consuming the toxic chemicals produced by fish waste. (source)
Goldfish are also very active fish, so tank decorations are a must to keep the goldfish entertained in a sense. Also tank decorations make the tank look more put together. An air stone. Mar 1, 2013 (source)
Goldfish tank decor is important There are many great ways to care for your goldfish and, in our opinion, adding decorations to your tank is one of the best. Not only do decorations benefit your fish – helping to keep your goldfish happy – they also make the goldfish tank look nicer. Sep 11, 2017 (source)
Goldfish Aquarium Gravel Substrate. A goldfish aquarium doesn’t need a gravel substrate but the goldfish in that goldfish aquarium surely would appreciate it. Not only is a gravel substrate aesthetically pleasing, it creates a place for beneficial nitrifying bacteria to grow. (source)
Based on the rules above, the goldfish tank size we recommend for two goldfish is: 42 gallons for two Common goldfish. That’s 30 gallons for the first fish and 12 additional gallons for the second fish. Feb 19, 2013 (source)
Your fish are happy and healthy when they: Swim actively throughout the entire tank, not just hanging out or laying at the bottom, floating near the top or hiding behind plants and ornaments. Eat regularly and swim to the surface quickly at feeding time. More items… (source)
The short answer is no, not necessarily. Live aquarium plants are not absolutely essential for creating a functioning, healthy fish tank. However, while they are not compulsory, aquarium plants do bring many benefits to a fish tank and its inhabitants. Sep 22, 2017 (source)
The addition of live plants to a fishbowl improves the oxygen available in the water, and plants consume some waste products, like nitrate, to help them grow. Live plants are natural filtration systems and while they don’t replace a full filtration system for your goldfish, they are a beneficial addition. Feb 28, 2022 (source)
Goldfish do not rely on lighting as plants do, but it is still important to give them a day and night cycle. This will help their eye development and provide them with the light requirements that they would receive in the wild. Feb 28, 2022 (source)
Marimo moss balls are a beautiful aquatic plant. Goldfish are not partial to eating them, but they do enjoy pushing them around the bottom of their tanks like toys! Sep 14, 2021 (source)
All Goldfish are temperate fish and don’t absolutely require a heater, unlike fish like Discus that come from the steamy tropics. But Fancy Goldfish sometimes can’t take sudden shifts in temperature like their ancestors can and almost never down to near-freezing. Oct 29, 2020 (source)
Feed 2-3 times daily. It is important to avoid overfeeding goldfish as this can cause indigestion and/or contaminate the tank. In terms of the amount to feed, a good rule of thumb is to only feed an amount that the goldfish can consume in under two minutes or only feed as much as the size of the goldfish’s eye. Apr 30, 2019 (source)