Goldfish are a popular pet choice, but when they start to exhibit signs of distress and poor health, it can be heartbreaking for their owners. Unfortunately, many goldfish owners are unaware of the signs that indicate their fish is dying. In this article, we explore how you can tell if a goldfish is dying by looking for behavioral changes, physical symptoms, and other noticeable signs.
Changes In Behavior
The first and most common sign that your goldfish is dying is a change in its behavior. Look for the following signs of distress:
- Gasping for air at the water’s surface
- Lethargic behavior or lack of movement
- Hiding or spending time alone
- Swimming upside down or sideways
- Unusual aggression towards other fish
Physical Symptoms
Goldfish, like other living organisms, are susceptible to physical ailments. Here are some physical signs that indicate your goldfish is dying:
- White spots or patches on the body or fins
- Inflamed, reddened, or irritated skin
- Open sores or wounds on the fish’s body
- Swollen or bloated abdomen
- Sunken eyes or a hollow appearance to the fish’s body
- Torn fins or other noticeable injuries
Lack Of Appetite
A clear sign that your goldfish is unwell is a lack of appetite. Notice if your goldfish is refusing to eat or not eating as much as usual. Also, pay attention to how your fish reacts to food when it is given; if it goes ignored, your pet may be feeling unwell.
Floating Issues
Another symptom to watch out for is floating issues. Check if your fish stays idle at the surface of the water or looks like it’s floating on its side. It may be a sign of swim bladder disease or constipation.
Color Changes
Goldfish are known for their brilliant colors, but color changes can be a health indicator. White spots, black or red flicks, fading colors, or spots of discoloration may be a sign of illness.
Breathing Problems
Goldfish that are having trouble breathing will stay near the surface of the water where they can access the oxygen. Look for fish that are rapidly opening and closing their mouths or gasping for air.
Swimming Issues
Goldfish often swim serenely in their aquarium or pond, so erratic movements or difficulty swimming can indicate a physical ailment. A fish that appears to wobble or swim abnormally or is intentionally hiding behind plants or decorations may be unwell.
Noticeable Injuries
Check for signs of external injury, such as scrapes or cuts on the goldfish’s body or fins. Also, the presence of algae or fungus on the fish’s skin can indicate an open wound.
Abnormal Fecal Matter
Abnormal fecal matter can be another sign of goldfish distress. If your fish is pooping more or less and the color, consistency, or shape has changed or there is no poop at all, it can point to a health issue.
Lethargic Behavior
Goldfish that are acting lethargic or do not move much are not typical behavior for this species. If your pet fish stays in one spot without moving or responds slowly to external stimuli, you might have a sick goldfish.
Cloudy Eye
An indication of an unhealthy goldfish can be clouded eyes. It can indicate bacterial infection, cyst formation, or a secondary symptom of ammonia burn.
Erratic Swimming
Erratic swimming can diagnose many goldfish diseases or problems. A sick fish may float upside down or swim alternatively around a fishbowl or fish tank.
Gills Inflammation
Check the gills of your goldfish for signs of inflammation, such as redness, swelling or a brown/yellow coat. Additionally, gills that are not moving may signal a health problem for your fish.
Fungus Infections
Flecks or patches that appear white may look like mold or ash. These fuzz-like appearances are the result of a fungus infection caused by inadequate water conditions.
Swim Bladder Disorder
An individual with a swim bladder disorder may have issues maintaining their balance, float upside down or lose buoyancy.
Parasitic Invasions
It is essential to analyze the body of a fish for any parasitic invasions, including worms, lice, or flukes. While you’re looking for these things, watch if your fish are exhibiting any flinch or scratching motions.
Drooping Fins
Drooping fins can suggest a health problem in fish. They can indicate an infection or indicate the fish’s water environment has worsened, which negatively affects the fish’s health.
Multiple Symptoms
If you observe more than one symptom, it could indicate that the goldfish has been battling diseases, stress, or bacterial infections. The best way to proceed is to isolate the fish in a hospital tank and administer proper medicines.
Wrap Up
In summary, goldfish are great pets; however, as with any other living organism, they are predisposed to illnesses. Knowing the pointers highlighted in this article can help you to identify symptoms of a sick goldfish and take the correct action to bring it back to good health. Be vigilant of your goldfish to identify any signs of distress early to increase your chances of nursing it back to good health.