What color light is best for guppies

Your guppy should be getting between 8-10 hours of light per day. Anything more than that, and you’re going to stress them out, which will weaken their immune system. Likewise, anything less than that will have a similar effect. (source)
White lights work best for blue-colored fish. They’re also the commonly chosen color of lights and are available for all sorts of lighting options, as we will discuss below. However, some fish owners will say that white lights don’t work as effectively in keeping your plants healthy. (source)
Blue LED Light Many fish enthusiasts say the blue light serves best as a transition light between light and darkness. So, you can use the light in the evenings to help your less curious fish to come out of the hiding spots as blue light mimics the moonlight. Mar 10, 2022 (source)
Blue light can affect fish reproductive cycles and damage their eyesight, but most fishkeepers have no blue light issues. Blue light is essential if you have live plants in your tank as without it, they will be unable to photosynthesize. However, too much light will fuel algal growth, which is hard to get rid of. Apr 16, 2022 (source)
No, guppies don’t need light at night. Guppies need darkness to sleep and rest properly. Having the aquarium lights on all the time may result in poor sleep quality, sickness, and eventually, death. Guppies need six to eight hours of sleep each day and thus, you should keep the lights off for the same amount of time. (source)
Using only a little red light will slow algae growth. The less you use, the slower algae can grow. Unfortunately, restricting the amount of red light will also dull the reds in your aquarium. Red highlights in your aquarium will show off all the subtle hues of green in your plants. Apr 26, 2022 (source)
But in general, the lighting shouldn’t be too bright for a regular tank since it could stress the fish. Too-bright lighting can also lead to algae growth. Feb 26, 2021 (source)
When looking broadly at all the larval species studied, black is the most commonly preferred, followed by no preference for color, and then blue. Blue and white were more preferred by adult fish, but many species also had no preference. Dec 17, 2020 (source)
Your best lighting options for freshwater aquariums are standard fluorescent bulbs, compact fluorescent bulbs, metal halide lights, and LED lights. You want to avoid incandescent bulbs as they are suitable only for small aquariums and can give off too much heat. May 4, 2022 (source)
An excess of green light within your aquarium is one of the most common causes of nuisance algae development, and can quickly lead to a murky, visually unappealing tank. Mar 22, 2016 (source)
What color light attracts fish the best? Overall, green light attracts the most fish. Green has a high lumen output of 130 per LED alongside a 520 nm wavelength. Shrimp and insects have both of these wavelengths in their color vision alongside green light receptors around 530 um. Jul 14, 2020 (source)
Picking the right color spectrum has the ability to showcase and intensify the best hues in both your fish and your plants. A fish-only freshwater tank doesn’t require lighting for many purposes besides illuminating the tank, and essentially any color spectrum can be used safely without harming your fish. (source)
Black lights should not be used to heat or illuminate a fish tank. Fish need aquarium lighting that’s designed to provide the natural lighting they would receive in the wild. Because black lights are ultraviolet, it’s only safe to use them in small doses. (source)
Aquarium fish do not need light and it is best that you turn it off during the night. Leaving the light on can cause stress to fish as they need a period of darkness to sleep. Too much light will cause algae to rapidly grow and make your tank look dirty. So the short answer is no, do not leave your lights on. (source)