What does a guppy do before giving birth

Hiding between plants or staying in a corner of the tank is another sign that your female guppy fish is in labor and ready to give birth. This is not a normal behavior of guppies. So it is easy to spot. Just before giving birth, she will separate herself from the rest. (source)
Guppy pregnancy lasts for roughly a month from conception. First-time mamas deliver about 12 to 30 babies over a period of several hours. Veterans may gift you with 50 to 80 or more fry in a few hours. (source)
Signs of a Guppy in Labor Her belly gets bulkier and forms a more square-like shape. … Her gravid spot gets darker and larger, sometimes you’ll notice that it changes its shape. … Sitting in one place and not really swimming. … Gets really nervous when you come near her. More items… • May 26, 2017 (source)
After Your Guppy Gives Birth After your female gives birth, separate her from the fry, either through the use of a mesh or another tank. This is necessary as she may eat the fry, seeking the nourishment she needs to recover. Isolate her for one to two days. During this time, feed her well and regularly. Aug 9, 2021 (source)
A female guppy can have 50-60 young at one time. When Mother Nature sees such a large family, she knows that the fish tank is overcrowded. Jan 23, 1999 (source)
It is not normal for guppies to lay on the bottom of the tank. In my experience, there are a number of reasons guppies lay on the bottom of the tank and these include illness, stress, and poor water quality. Pregnant females may also lay on the bottom of the tank prior to giving birth. (source)
The swimming up and down the glass in a pregnant guppy is a typical sign of giving birth thumbs2: When a female gives birth she releases a hormone which supresses the eating of the babies for 6 hours… so once they are born you have 6 hours the time to get them safe or add some moss etc. where they can hide in. Mar 4, 2008 (source)
Guppies don’t give birth to all their babies at once. That’s because they don’t lay eggs like other fish. So, they have to give birth to one fry at a time. That is why they need more time for breeding than other fish. (source)
Dropsy refers to the swelling of soft tissues in a body cavity, such as the abdomen, due to an accumulation of water and other fluids. The condition is caused by environmental stress factors and/or infections. May 16, 2022 (source)